If you are a Pell Grant recipient and a U.S. citizen, you are eligible for the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program. The Gilman Scholarship offers eligible students awards of up to $5,000 to help fund their study abroad. Students studying Critical Need Languages or STEM are eligible for supplemental awards. For more information and to apply, visit gilmanscholarship.org.
Summer, Fall, and Academic Year program deadlines are typically in early March.
Winter, Spring, and Calendar Year program deadlines are typically in early October.
Steps to Apply
- Review the Gilman website thoroughly. There is important information for applicants including the application overview, eligibility, essays, selection criteria, submission tips, deadlines, and much more!
- Start your Gilman application.
- IMPORTANT: Complete the Outside Agency Scholarship Authorization to Release Information Form. This allows Financial Aid to verify your aid information as they are certifying your Gilman application. You can access the OAS Authorization to Release Information form by going to the Forms page of the UCSC Financial Aid Website or requesting it from financial aid directly. When completing the form, you may list Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program under both the “name” and “agency” sections. The email is gilman@iie.org, the phone number is 800.852.2141 and the address is 1800 West Loop South, Suite 250. Houston, TX 77027. Once you have filled out the form, email it to financial aid at finaid.specialprograms@ucsc.edu
- Need assistance writing your essay? Start by using our Guide to writing a scholarship application. If you need support writing your essay(s), contact the UCSC Writing Center. The Writing Center works with all students at all stages of the writing process, including prewriting, writing, and revising.
- Want a final review of your essay(s)? Our global learning advisors are here to help. Once you’ve visited the writing center, our global learning advisors can provide a final review of your scholarship essay(s) before submission. Simply copy your essay into a Google Doc and share it with globallearning@ucsc.edu. Be sure you grant us “editing” access. Give your UCSC Global Learning Advisor at least 1 week prior to the scholarship deadline. Please note: we can only review your essays for content to ensure you are answering the essay prompts and are not able to spend more than 30 minutes on a review. The writing center can provide more detailed feedback. For more information about the scholarship essays, please refer to our Gilman Scholarship Application Guide.
- Submit Gilman application by the student deadline.
- After submission, UCSC Global Learning and Financial Aid will certify your application by the advisor deadline (a week after the student deadline). There is no need to notify either office that you have submitted your application. Please indicate Ashley Bayman as your Study Abroad Advisor and see below for your Financial Aid Advisor.
- For further guidance, review the Gilman Selection Criteria webpage to see the rubric in which all essays are graded and scored.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know whether I get the Pell Grant or if I am Pell eligible?
Check your UCSC Financial Aid Award for a Pell Grant. Also, check with the Financial Aid Advisors. You can visit them during drop-in hours OR email them accordingly at finaid.specialprograms@ucsc.edu
If I receive a Gilman Scholarship, will that impact my university financial aid package?
It may, depending upon your aid package. The UC Santa Cruz Financial Aid Office has federal, state and institutional guidelines they must follow when awarding financial aid packages. You can only receive financial aid (including scholarships, grants, and loans) up to the total study abroad program cost. The Gilman scholarship becomes part of your regular financial aid packaging, with the aim of replacing loan eligibility with scholarship funds where possible. Please meet with one of our Special Programs Financial Aid Advisors during their virtual drop in hours or email them.
Who do I list as my Study Abroad Advisor?
Please list Arturo Torres as your study abroad advisor.
Who do I list as my Financial Aid Advisor?
- Luis Melgoza or Stephanie Cabrera
Do I have to let my Global Learning Advisor or Financial Advisor know that I am applying for the Gilman?
No. Gilman’s online application system will automatically email us and the Financial Aid Advisor you listed on your application to let us know that you have submitted a Gilman application and to ask that we certify your application. We are very familiar with the Gilman here at UC Santa Cruz and are accustomed to certifying Gilman applications each quarter.
Where can I find my program information?
- For UCSC-designed programs, including global seminars, partner programs, and global internships, you can find your program information under the Programs section of our website. Please note, UCEAP, Other UC, and Independent Program information can be found on their respective websites.
If the information for your program is not available yet, please email us at globallearning@ucsc.edu with any questions.
Do I have to contact my global learning and financial aid adviser to certify my Gilman application?
No. You do not need to contact UCSC Global Learning or the UCSC Financial Aid & Scholarship Office about the submission of your Gilman Scholarship application. We are automatically notified of your submission. We will make sure your application is reviewed for certification by the adviser certification deadline (typically a week after the Gilman application deadline). Once the certification is completed, you will receive an auto-message from the Gilman Scholarship website. PLEASE note that in order for Financial Aid to release information to Gilman about your aid package, you must complete an OAS Authorization to Release Information Form.
Where do I go if I have more questions?
Please visit the FAQ section of the Gilman website first, then contact us at globallearning@ucsc.edu or Gilman directly at gilman@iie.org with any remaining questions or concerns.