Internship: U.S. House of Representatives
Term of Participation: Spring 2019
What was your role during the internship?
I attended briefings for staff, drafted constituent response letters and cosponsor memos, gave Capitol tours, worked with office members on projects, answered phones, and completed other administrative tasks. I found working in a small, fast-paced office while learning how Congress works to be among the most rewarding aspects of my internship. I also found working with constituents to be very rewarding.
How did your internship influence your career goals?
Living and interning in D.C. opened my eyes to the East Coast. I ended up loving the city so much it influenced my decision to attend George Washington University for law school.
What is an exciting memory from your time in D.C.?
Meeting the representative I was working for and discussing law school and the LSAT was exciting.
Attending the Cherry Blossom Festival and taking a White House Garden Tour were also special experiences.
How did living in Washington, D.C. change you?
I gained valuable workplace experience before graduating, made close long-term friends, and grew personally and professionally while living away from college in D.C.
What kind of opportunities did the internship lead to?
One of my recommendation letters for law school was from the representative I interned for, which I imagine played some role in my acceptance to George Washington Law.
What advice do you have for future students?
Take advantage of networking events, mentorships, and other opportunities to gain experience networking. Don’t forget to have fun, explore the city, go to museums (they’re mostly free), and enjoy the city’s happy hours, nightlife, and other social events.