Meet the Staff

Learn about Global Learning’s team of diverse, passionate, and experienced staff who are dedicated to preparing and equipping students with academic opportunities that transcend borders.

Sarah Woodside Buryshe/her

Director of Global Learning


Sarah is a 5th generation Californian, born and raised in the Bay Area and has called Santa Cruz her home for the last two decades+. Sarah started her global learning adventure through a Rotary International exchange program in high school to Sweden, which truly transformed her life trajectory.  Sarah completed her B.A. in Sociology and minor in Spanish from the University of California, San Diego, and while there, Sarah participated in the UC EAP program during her junior year in Granada, Spain.  She continued her education at Colorado State University and completed her M.S. in Student Affairs in Higher Education.  Through her master’s program, Sarah participated in a faculty-led seminar to study the education system in Belize.  Sarah then came to UC Santa Cruz to help launch the then-new College Nine and College Ten (now John R. Lewis College), whose compelling themes of International and Global Perspectives and Social Justice and Community directly resonate with her core values.  Sarah served in various capacities with the colleges, providing leadership for the development and implementation of student life programs, curriculum development, and crisis management.  In 2007, she had the opportunity to co-develop an original shipboard study abroad program, “The Scholar Ship,” which promoted intercultural competence, social justice and trans-national environmental research with students, staff and faculty representing over 50 countries, visiting 16 different countries around the globe within the academic year. As the Director of Global Learning, she is excited to be working directly with students, faculty and staff to further promote these life-changing global learning opportunities.

Message About Global Learning

From a young age, I have been committed to doing my part to make the world a more inclusive, sustainable, socially just, and peaceful place. I believe that experiences that get us out of our comfort zone allow for deeper connections with ourselves and the world around us. I know first-hand how transformative these types of experiences have been for me, and I am dedicated to continuing my own growth and development so that I can continue to positively impact our community and world as well as support others to do the same. Now more than ever, I believe it is imperative to expand our exposure to study abroad and away opportunities. Through these experiences, I hope to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for diverse perspectives, ultimately empowering one another to contribute to a more inclusive and socially just world!

Portrait of a person

Ashley Baymanshe/her

 Assistant Director of Global Learning

Advises on: UCDC Washington, UC Center Sacramento, Partner Programs, Independent Programs


Ashley is an Ohio native who completed a dual B.A. in Latin American Studies and Spanish from The Ohio State University. During her undergraduate, she studied abroad in Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina and discovered a passion for international education and travel. After graduating, Ashley took a gap year to travel to 30 countries across Latin America and Europe. It was during this life-changing journey that Ashley became committed to ensuring that students from all backgrounds benefit from the academic, social, and professional advantages of international education. She went on to earn an M.A. in International Education Management from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey. Before joining the UCSC Global Learning team, Ashley served as an international education program leader in Mexico and Spain.

Message About Global Learning

As a first-generation, low-income, student of color, I was never encouraged to study foreign languages or cultures, let alone go to another country to do so. Making it into the university from community college, for me, was a feat in itself. Notwithstanding, I worked two jobs as a waitress and bartender to support myself in college, and by working as much as possible and taking out loans, was able to study abroad. In community college, I had my first opportunity to participate in a short-term faculty-led program in Cuernavaca, Mexico (which was also my first time ever traveling on an airplane!). After arriving at the Ohio State University, I expanded my intercultural experience by studying in both Brazil and Argentina. Studying abroad completely changed my life trajectory and inspired me to pursue a profession that would allow me to support other students who have been conditioned to think that “studying abroad is not for me.” Our global learning team is here to let you know that wherever the world takes you, you belong, and we are here to help you get there!

Arturo Torres – he/him/el

 Global Learning Advisor

Advises on: Getting Started, UC Center Sacramento


Arturo was born in Portland, Oregon, but grew up in Los Angeles, California. He completed a dual B.A. in International Development Studies and Sociology from UCLA. During his undergraduate experience, he studied abroad in Switzerland and discovered a passion for international education and the first-gen experience abroad. While abroad, Arturo had the privilege of traveling to western, eastern, and northern Europe, and Morocco. Upon graduation, Arturo collaborated with colleagues at UCLA, NAU (Flagstaff, AZ) and, now, UCSC to ensure that students, no matter their background, can benefit from the academic, social, and professional advantages of an international education. Prior to joining the UCSC Global Learning team, Arturo served as an Education Abroad Advisor and specialized in all programs associated with LATAM and Spain.

Message About Global Learning

As a child of two courageous immigrants, I continue to carry their dream of creating a better life, here, in the U.S.A. Of course, being a first-generation, low-income, student of color is not particularly easy; especially when attempting to navigate the world of academia. Regardless, with obstacles and all, I made it past high school, and into community college. At that point, the only travel I did was to visit family in Mexico and commute via Metro to work and class. But I always had an inherent desire to see more of the world. Something that my parents were not too fond of. Years and various jobs later, I found myself transferring to UCLA where I convinced myself to study abroad during my last quarter. Let me tell you, that was, and remains, the most enriching experience I have had. Going abroad completely changed my life and inspired me to pursue a professional career where I can support others to experience beyond the day-to-day. Our global learning team is here to let you know that, wherever you go, you belong, and I am here to support you!

Glynis Kincaid – she/her

 Global Learning Advisor

Advises on: UCEAP study abroad, UCEAP internships, Other UC programs


Glynis grew up in Northern California and studied abroad the summer before her senior year of high school in Paris and Nice, France. While abroad she strengthened her language skills by attending classes at two French language schools and participating in a homestay program. Her time in France was the first of many global learning experiences that sparked Glynis’ interest in supporting students on their own global education journeys. Glynis received her B.A. in Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies, minoring in History, from UC Davis. She has worked in international education for over eight years and remains committed to supporting students of all identities and backgrounds as they study, work, intern, and volunteer abroad and away. She is also a graduate of NAFSA’s Academy for International Education and Diversity Abroad’s Global Education Diversity & Inclusion Program.

Message About Global Learning

I don’t think we always have to have “life-changing” and “successful” global learning experiences. I struggled a lot while studying abroad in France, especially when it came to speaking the language, navigating a new city on my own, and being away from friends and family. However, after multiple global learning experiences, I finally arrived at a place where I felt confident navigating intercultural spaces and engaging without the fear of making a mistake holding me back. I encourage students to do the same, not to let a challenging experience keep them from continuing on their global learning journey, as you never know where it may lead (I had no idea my experience in France would lead me to pursue a career in international education). Engaging in global learning has allowed me to reflect on my own identities and privileges, and cement how I want to show up as an advisor for students. I remain committed to my own global learning journey and the need to develop global learning opportunities that are inclusive, accessible, and contribute to students’ sense of belonging at UCSC and beyond!

Sarah Goldbergshe/her, they/them

 Global Learning Advisor


Sarah is originally from Flagstaff, Arizona. Her journey with global learning began when she went on exchange to Arica, Chile during her junior year of high school. Upon return, her family hosted an exchange student from Milan, Italy who continues to be one of her closest friends. These experiences shifted her perspectives on the world and her home context, her place in it and sparked questions about how she could create positive change. 

Sarah completed her B.A. in Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures from University of Colorado, Boulder. There, she completed the INVST Community Leadership Program, which took students on two immersive summer service learning trips focused on sustainability and immigrant rights. She continued her education here at UCSC and completed her M.A. in Education with a concentration in bilingual education. Sarah’s early journey with global learning truly laid the foundation for her professional and personal path. She looks forward to supporting all students with accessing whichever program they feel excited to join! 

Message About Global Learning

Global learning can truly be experienced in a nearby or a far away destination, each equally important. At its core a global learning experience is one in which you immerse yourself in a different cultural context, while incorporating and processing this experience’s imprint on your whole being. Sometimes, this process happens during your global learning experience and sometimes it continues to resonate and shift things long after the experience. I am an advocate for all students to have access to these experiences and I look forward to supporting you on your journey! 

Amy Stevens – she/her

 Global Learning Program Coordinator


Amy was born and raised in Northern Illinois, just outside of Chicago, before first traveling abroad to spend three weeks in Australia on a student trip the summer following 8th grade. Since then, she has pursued every opportunity for international travel and intercultural exchange, including earning her bachelor’s degree in International Studies and Political Science from Illinois College in Jacksonville, IL, earning a master’s degree in International Higher Education Leadership from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA, studying abroad five different times, and eventually traveling to over 25 countries across nearly every continent. Professionally, Amy has spent the last decade dedicated to increasing access to education abroad and cultural exchange experiences for students around the world. There are so many exciting and innovative things on the horizon for the future of global learning and Amy is excited to help our UCSC community lead the way!

Message About Global Learning

My mom’s entire family worked for one of the major airlines, and I grew up flying around the country. I was encouraged to travel and to try new things, so I thought my first international trip – a study abroad program with a group of students I’d never really met  – wouldn’t be a big deal. Instead, I found myself engaging with a new place, a new culture, and a new group of people like I never had on any vacation before. I was challenged and taken out of my comfort zone in a way that was both a little scary and totally exhilarating. Since then, I’ve learned that every global learning experience is different and teaches you things you never expected. Whether you’re already well-traveled or a first-time flyer, I encourage you to consider joining a global learning program during your time at UC Santa Cruz and embrace this unique opportunity. It will expand your life experience and grow both academically and personally!

Last modified: Mar 07, 2025