News & Events

  • Jaydah Branch

    Jaydah Branch

    My name is Jaydah Branch, and I’m a Linguistics major who had the opportunity to study abroad in Seoul, South Korea for an academic year. As a low-income, African-American student, I never dreamed of being able to study in a continent as far away as Asia due to financial barriers. One day, I happened to…

  • Fiona Lee

    Fiona Lee

    My name is Eunseo Fiona Lee (she/her/ella) and I am pursuing a double major in Politics and Applied Linguistics and Multilingualism. I studied away in UCEAP’s University of Bordeaux program for my sophomore year and went on to participate in UC Center Sacramento (UCCS) and UC Washington Center (UCDC) in the following years. My year in France was my first time…

  • Shannon King

    Shannon King

    My name is Shannon King. I’m an Applied Linguistics and Multilingualism major with a minor in Linguistics and a teaching certificate in TESOL, and I studied in UCEAP’s University of Bordeaux program during Fall 2021.  Studying away as a Queer Swedish-American led me to some of the best and most challenging times of my life. I experienced…

  • Griselda Carolina Torres

    Griselda Carolina Torres

    My name is Griselda Carolina Torres. I am a Psychology major, and I studied abroad in UCEAP’s Yonsei University program in Seoul, South Korea, in fall 2021. I decided that I wanted to study abroad during my sophomore year in 2019. However, my plans were put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I debated whether to…

  • Chailen August

    Chailen August

    I’m Chailen August. I’m a fourth-year Critical Race and Ethnic Studies (CRES) major Black Studies minor and I studied abroad in Ghana through UCEAP’s University of Ghana program. Studying abroad as a black person, low-income student in Ghana was sort of like a Black paradise. It was Black paradise because usually, I’m navigating white spaces where I’m not afforded…

  • UCDC Alumni – Gilli Weinstein

    UCDC Alumni – Gilli Weinstein

    Internship: Hope Foundation Reentry Network and Office of Congressman Scott Peters Term of Participation: Spring 2022 What was your role during the internship? Hope Foundation– worked on a workbook to be distributed in jails/prisons and a presentation of the workbook, contributed to a twice weekly group discussion of resources for formerly incarcerated people– most rewarding was meeting…

  • Celia Debonnet

    Celia Debonnet

    My name is Celia Debonnet. I’m a Business Management Economics major, and I studied in UCEAP’s University of Bordeaux program in France during Fall 2022. Studying away as an American raised in a French family, with predominantly Korean features, was both an illuminating and frustrating experience. Having grown up in the cultural melting pot of Los Angeles,…

  • Edwina Malmberg

    Edwina Malmberg

    My name is Edwina, I’m a Sociology major and I participated in the AFS Intercultural Exchange Program in Indonesia. Studying abroad as a Panamanian female from a low-income background was eye-opening. Since I was a little girl I have been interested in learning new languages and exploring new places, but having the opportunity to study abroad…

  • Samantha Keefer

    Samantha Keefer

    My name is Samantha Keefer and I am a fourth-year Psychology and Education double major. I participated in the UCEAP Made in Italy program in Florence, Italy in Fall 2019. Studying away as an EOP student was challenging. It was challenging because financially, it was more of a struggle for me and my family. It always seemed…

  • Sereena Yeghiazarian

    Sereena Yeghiazarian

    Ever since I could remember, I have always dreamt of studying abroad. Growing up, I would close my eyes, spin a globe, and blindly point my finger out to land on a random country. I was fascinated with the names of the cities, the neighboring countries, all the different oceans, and thought about the people…

  • Meghan Lamba

    Meghan Lamba

    My name is Meghan and I am a Biomolecular Engineering student. I participated in the UCSC Exchange Program at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) just outside of Copenhagen, Denmark. Studying abroad as a South Asian female in STEM was eye-opening. I’ve always had an itch for adventure and traveling and knew that going abroad was something I…

  • Anahi Mendoza

    Anahi Mendoza

    Studying abroad has been a goal of mine since high school when I first heard about it through some of my favorite teachers. Though I did not have a concrete idea of where or when to study abroad, I knew that college would be a great time to do so. However, despite the excitement that…

Last modified: Jun 04, 2024