Info for Global Learning Alumni

Whether you studied on UCEAP, a UCSC Global Seminar, or even an Independent Program, your journey may not yet be over. If you are looking for ways to contribute, continue your learning, or turn your experience into a new endeavor, explore our website below.

For more information about life after study abroad/away, please see this Life After Study Abroad video produced by UC Riverside or read this article from UCEAP’s The Californian Abroad “Reverse Culture Shock: Adjusting to Life at Home After Study Abroad.

Returning Home

Congratulations on going abroad or away, you have made us all proud!

We understand that returning home can be an emotional experience. While you may be excited to see friends and family and eat all the foods you missed, you may also be sad to leave the people and places you grew accustomed to. Mixed emotions are a normal part of re-entry, and we are here to help you with your transition back into life at UC Santa Cruz and the U.S.

Below you will find a link to our re-entry handbook for returning students, which focuses on three primary areas:

  • The process of returning home
  • Marketing your global experience to employers
  • Going abroad or away again

We encourage you to complete the exercises outlined in the handbook to reflect on your learning, articulate the impact of your experience, and integrate lessons learned into your daily life.

Stay Involved

Whether you are a long-time alumni, a recent grad, or a recent study abroad or away returnee, we encourage you to stay involved with global activities on campus, in your community, and at your local high schools or community colleges. There are many ways you can stay in touch with the global community at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC)! 

Follow UCSC Global Learning on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date on announcements and opportunities.

Volunteer as a Global Learning Ambassador

Formalize your role in helping inspire other students to participate in global learning! We welcome applications from all study abroad/away alumni to join this cohort of students who work closely with our office on assisting with marketing and outreach. Fill out this short form and we will let you know when the next application cycle opens. 

WHO Am I Abroad Student Stories

Learn about some of our recently returned students through our Who Am I Abroad (WHOA) project, a series of student stories that explore the shifts in perception of the self while abroad or away. Complete this interest form to get started!

Apply to work with us in UCSC Global Engagement

Study Abroad/Away alumni interested in working as Global Learning Peer Advisors or Global Engagement Assistants are invited to apply to join our team at UCSC Global Engagement. Our recruitment period is June – September. Students currently abroad or away are also encouraged to apply! For additional information, contact


Join your official UCSC Global Learning Alumni LinkedIn Group for career advice and to network with fellow study abroad alumni.

Career Center

Staff at the Career Center can help you incorporate your global experience in your job search and can also tell you about opportunities to work and intern abroad or away.

Global Mentorship Program

The Global Mentorship Program helps first-year international students transition to life at UCSC by pairing them with a current UCSC student who serves as a Peer Mentor. Our Peer Mentors are both U.S. and International student volunteers dedicated to helping new international students navigate their first year at UCSC.

More Ways for Returnees to Get Involved

The following campus resources and opportunities will help you reintegrate into campus life and keep your global learning experience alive:

  • You are invited to our annual Global Learning Alumni Reception Dinner hosted every winter quarter
  • Attend International Education Week events –  held every November at various venues across campus. 
  • Check out our calendar in the Global Learning Portal for information on upcoming events!
Graduate Study Scholarship – MIIS

Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey: University of California Santa Cruz Study Abroad Programs Scholarship

Alumni of the University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) global learning programs including UCSC Global Seminars, UCSC Exchanges, and UCEAP are eligible for a $5,000 scholarship toward an on-site Middlebury Institute master’s degree. You may also receive additional merit and need-based scholarships depending on the strength of your application and financial situation.

Internationally-Focused Post-Graduation Opportunities

Have you ever thought about pursuing a career in International Education (IE)? If you are interested in learning more about IE professional pathways, visit Gateway International’s Career Resources. This incredible webpage covers an overview of professions in international higher education, how to get established in international higher education, tips for professionals at all career stages, and much more!

Even if you aren’t interested in pursuing a career in international education, maybe your experience studying abroad or away sparked a desire to work, live, teach, or volunteer abroad after graduation? If so, check out our post-graduate opportunities resource guide! 

It includes information about:

  • Intern/volunteer/work abroad programs for graduates
  • International education graduate programs
  • Graduate research and fellowship opportunities abroad
  • Teaching English abroad opportunities
Last modified: Jan 31, 2025