Program expense doesn’t have to be a barrier to studying abroad. Your financial aid package can be applied to studying abroad or away, and can be repackaged to meet program costs. Additionally, there are a number of scholarships you can apply for to help ease the cost of studying abroad or away.
The Finances and Scholarships section of this website provides a good starting point to help you understand what’s available and where to start investigating how to go about applying for financial assistance. Here, you will find information on:
- Understanding the cost of participating in a Global Learning program
- How you can apply your financial aid package to a study abroad program
- Budgeting for your time abroad, additional scholarships and funding available to you,
- Other strategies you might employ to help with the costs of studying abroad
We encourage you to look into how you might make your dream of studying in another country a reality by using these web pages as a starting point, and then talking with a Global Learning advisor about available scholarships and funding opportunities.
Additional Resources
Money Matters: A Resource Guide for How to Live Abroad for Less