Through inclusion and equity across our global learning program options, we strive to make everyone’s experience abroad enriching, positive, and safe. Learn more about identities abroad through the following resource pages.
Through inclusion and equity across our global learning program options, Global Learning strives to make everyone’s experience abroad enriching, positive, and safe. The following pages provide information about how students of a range of identities might learn about and prepare for traveling abroad through recommended resources.
Studying abroad can present students with rewarding lifelong experiences that can challenge perceptions of identity. We tend to define ourselves using different features of our personalities, backgrounds, and physical appearance. Often identifying with several groups at once, we use these characteristics to distinguish ourselves as individuals and help us understand how we entwine in the larger context of American culture. When preparing yourself to be immersed in another culture, it is important to consider all the different ways that you identify as an individual, recognizing how your identity might be perceived abroad as well as how you want to present yourself to your host community.
Use the links on the right to navigate sections based on your unique identity.
You can visit travel.state.gov, which provides additional information about travel warnings, visa requirements, and local laws in your destination country. You can find additional information about preparing to travel abroad as well as health and safety considerations while abroad, on the Global Engagement International Travel page.
Diversity Abroad’s BeGlobalii website has a broad range of resources to help you get started and connect with opportunities, articles, events, and community. The BeGlobalii Articles and Resources page provides more information on the diversity and inclusion climate abroad in a broad range of possible study abroad destinations.
Additional Resources to Get Started
- Exploring Your Unique Identities Abroad and Away Video– This video explores how the many varied aspects of identity can impact your experience on a program in another culture.
- Exploring Your Identity Abroad Series– This series is a collaborative effort between all the University of California campuses and UCEAP to provide identity-based study abroad workshops, panels, and information sessions for students across the UC system.
- Will I Fit Abroad? Social Identities and Things to Consider– This video (produced by ISA and UCEAP) shares real stories and strategies for all students to promote safe and supportive environments abroad.
- 5 Tips To Incorporate Your Identity Into The Study Abroad Experience– Californian Abroad article that discusses how to incorporate your identity into your global learning experience.
Other UC Identities Abroad and Away Webpages