Spencer Hardy

June 01, 2020

When It happened

Initially, I chose Fudan because there were only a few programs left in Spring by the time I applied in August and I found Fudan the most interesting. It was a long process to apply, but I was really excited. I love traveling; it gets me out of my comfort zone. I was so excited to go to China and try the street food, relearn Chinese, get lost in the city, and meet up with some friends I already had there. The program was supposed to start in mid- February. However, less than a month before my flight, the program was canceled. Part of me wanted to re-apply for the Fall program next year,

but that would extend my graduation and didn’t make much sense. I am looking into programs such as teaching English as possible options after I graduate. There was a lot that went into preparing to study abroad academically. I took quite a difficult course load in the Fall only to end up taking a leave of absence in the Winter since my program didn’t happen. It was a little sad to not be on campus and experience my last physical classes before transitioning to online learning. I’m coping though. 

For future students studying abroad

Not everyone might think they are built for travel. If you are scared of traveling, just go for it. Yes, there will be culture shock and plenty of risks, but that’s what makes it amazing. You come out of it a totally new person. I can’t personally speak of Shanghai, but I know it looked like an amazing city that would have offered incredible experiences. Hopefully, one day I’ll get to know if I am right.

Last modified: Jun 11, 2023