
Embark on a transformative academic journey with our array of program types spanning study abroad, internships, and research opportunities across the globe. 

UCSC Global Learning programs

  • Faculty-led Global Seminars: Summer courses taught by UCSC faculty while abroad, coordinated by UCSC Global Learning.
  • Partner Programs: Immersion programs at universities abroad/away, coordinated by UCSC Global Learning.
  • Global Internships: Department-based internship program that allows students to explore career goals, expand their professional network and skills, and gain real work experience, coordinated by UCSC Global Learning.
  • Global Classrooms: UCSC courses designed to offer cross-cultural learning experiences, facilitating virtual engagement with students from another part of the world.

Other UC and non-UC programs

  • UCDC Washington: Academic internship program in Washington DC, coordinated by a central UC systemwide office for all 9 undergraduate campuses.
  • UC Sacramento (UCCS): Academic internship program in public policy, coordinated by UC Davis.
  • UC Education Abroad Program (UCEAP): Varying types of programs offered year-round, coordinated by a central UC systemwide study abroad provider for all UC campuses.
  • Other UC Study Abroad: Varying types of study abroad programs, coordinated by other UC campuses’ study abroad offices.
  • Independent Programs: Varying types of study abroad programs, coordinated by organizations outside of the UC system.

Visit our Service-Learning and Volunteer programs page to learn about volunteer opportunities abroad.

UC Santa Cruz Global Learning is available to assist students with program selection, the application process, and academic planning. Students are encouraged to explore options and plan during their first year at UC Santa Cruz.

Last modified: Dec 03, 2024