How to Apply (Independent Programs)
- Fill out the Proposed Program Evaluation
- To determine if coursework taken on your independent program is eligible for transfer credit, fill out the Proposed Program Evaluation. You do not need to be admitted into the program to do this. Submitting this form to Admissions ahead of time will allow you to make an educated decision about programs.
- Include the full name of the university or college that will be issuing you a transcript, the syllabi for the courses you plan to take, and a link to the program website (please check with your program provider first about this, as it may be different from the actual institution you are attending).
- Email if you would like support with this step.
- Apply Directly to your Independent Program
- Apply online through their website and list Ashley Bayman, Assistant Director of Global Learning, as your main contact at UC Santa Cruz.
- Create an account in the UCSC Global Learning Portal
- Complete an Independent Program Registration Form
- Access the registration form by logging into the UCSC Global Learning Portal, searching for “Independent Program”, and going to “Apply.” You will first complete a mini application. Once you submit it, the following forms will become available. Your registration form is not complete until all of the forms are submitted.
- Independent Program | 1a. Program Information
- Independent Program | 1b. Liability and Assumption of Risk
- Independent Program | 1c. Disciplinary/Conduct Clearance: requires disciplinary clearance from
- Independent Program | 1d. Next Steps
- Independent Program | 1e. Academic Planning
- Independent Program | 1f. Finances and Scholarships
- Independent Program | 1g. Health and Safety Abroad
- Independent Program | 1h. Additional Resources
- Complete a UC Santa Cruz Leave of Absence (except summer)