How to Apply (UCDC)

Online Application Process

  1. Create an account at using your campus email address ( You will receive a confirmation email once your profile is created. The link provided in your confirmation email should simultaneously allow you to verify your identity, and begin the official application.
  3. Under the DOCUMENT UPLOADS tab, UCSC students are required to upload a resume, statement of purpose, unofficial transcript (transcripts obtained through your portal), and letter of recommendation. You can submit your letter of recommendation with the rest of your application materials in your UCDC application by uploading it to the Document Uploads portion of the application. If your letter writer would prefer to email your letter of recommendation, they can send it to Ashley Bayman at

Required Documents

  1. MOST RECENT UNOFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT – you can obtain a copy of your most recent unofficial transcript in MyUCSC.
  2. RESUME – Should be limited to one to two pages. For assistance in developing your resume or to have your resume reviewed, contact UCSC Career Success.
  3. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE – should be no more than two pages. It should: 1) Describe why you want to participate in UCDC 2) Describe the type of agency or organization with which you hope to intern, and the type of experience you hope to gain. 3) Explain how studying in the Washington program would enable you to further your academic, professional, and/or others goals and enhance your undergraduate experience. 4) Indicate your plans after graduation from UCSC. 5) Include anything else that might be relevant in reviewing your application. For more tips, download our UCDC Guide for Writing a Stellar Statement of Purpose.
    1. Need assistance writing your SoP? Contact the UCSC Writing Center!: If you need support writing your statement of purpose, contact the UCSC Writing Center. The Writing Center works with all students, in all genres, at all stages of the writing process, including prewriting, writing, and revising. See their services here. You can schedule an appointment with the writing center here.
  4. ONE LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION – The letter should be from a UCSC faculty member. Applicants who have done upper-division work typically get a letter from an instructor in their major. Transfer students may submit letters from faculty at previous institutions.  You are welcome to supplement your academic letter of recommendation with a second letter of recommendation from a TA or a previous employer. The first letter of recommendation should always be from a UCSC faculty member, but the supplemental second letter may come from anyone who can speak to your potential success in the program. The letter(s) should be addressed to the “Faculty Selection Committee, UCDC,” written on department letterhead (if from faculty or TA), and signed. If your letter writer would prefer to email your letter of recommendation, they can send it to Ashley Bayman at, or they are welcome to share it with you directly to upload in

         Letter writers should be asked to:

  • Describe how the student’s academic performance indicates their readiness for the UCDC program, and how UCDC fits into their larger academic plan and program.
  • Describe the student’s skills, strengths, and emotional maturity, and indicate how they might fare in a demanding internship program. 

Remind your letter writer that your letter will be used at two stages: 1) as part of the application process for admission to the program, and 2) as part of your application to various internship opportunities once you are accepted to UCDC. For this reason, the Letter of Recommendation is nonconfidential due to the nature of the program and its use for internship applications.

Recommenders, if you prefer your letter to remain confidential please add a note when you email the letter to Otherwise, students will gain access to the letters if they need to submit them as part of an internship application.

After you request a letter of recommendation, please send your recommender the following information, “The UCDC program asks that the letter be sent to me and I will submit it along with the rest of the application materials or you can send it directly to the UCDC program coordinator, Ashley Bayman, at”

Your letter is due by the application deadline.

UCDC Clery Information (Security and Fire Safety Report)

View the UCDC Annual Security & Fire Safety Report.

The report contains information regarding campus safety and security including topics such as: campus law enforcement authority; crime reporting policies; campus alerts (Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications); fire safety policies and procedures; programs to prevent dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking; the procedures UCDC will follow when one of these crimes is reported; and other matters of importance related to security on campus. The report also contains information about crime statistics for the three most recent calendar years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in On-Campus Student Housing Facilities; in Noncampus buildings or property owned or controlled by UCDC or a recognized student organization; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The report also contains fire statistics for any fires occurring in UCDC’s On-Campus Student Housing Facility (the UC Washington Center) during the three most recent calendar years. 

A paper copy of the report will be provided upon request. If you would like to receive a paper copy, you can stop by the Residential Life Office in Room 413 (located at 1608 Rhode Island Avenue, NW Washington, DC, 20036) or you can request that a copy be mailed to you by calling (202) 974-6216 or emailing

Last modified: Jan 09, 2025