Internship: Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH)
Term of Participation: Fall 2019
What was your role during the internship?
I mainly performed clerical work, errands, and graphic design. I have a background in visual and digital arts so I got to handle promotional images on social media, email designs, graphic design for their conference, etc. Clerical work is useful in a professional workspace but getting to mess around with Photoshop for an internship is fun.
How did your internship influence your career goals?
I can use my experience as a graphic designer as a backup plan if I don’t pursue a legal career. Thankfully, digital art is something I can do remotely.
What is an exciting memory from your time in D.C.?
We had a Hill Day where members of CUGH went to various congressional offices to ask where their congresspeople stood on global health issues. I got to see Bernie Sanders’ and Nancy Pelosi’s offices.